Your emotions ... Your health

Mind-Body connection.  Science, not just the crazy chiropractor saying it.  

Dr. Candice Pert. PhD the mother of psychoneuroimmunology, states your neuropeptides (chemicals like endorphins that the nervous system uses to run our body) have an effect on your immune system.   Your immune system produces neuropeptides that help regulate your health.   Another way to see it, when you have an embarrassing thought your face can turn red.  Your body's chemicals or peptides have an effect on your mind and/or emotions!

"Interestingly viruses use the same receptors as these neuropeptides to enter into a cell;  and depending on how much of the natural peptide is present, the virus will either have an easier or harder time entering a cell.  This means that the state of our emotions will have an effect on the level of neuropeptides produced and thus whether we succumb to a viral infection or not", Leigh Erin Connealy, MD.

The spinal cord has sites that filter all incoming bodily sensations and have receptors for almost all the neuropeptides. Dysfunction in the spine and bad emotional state make for poor health!  

What is your mind -body connection like today.....need a tune up?


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